Indiana’s Economy Ranked #47th in 2008 Recession

How Indiana’s economy lost $27bn during the 2008 Great Recession

The Real Gross Domestic Product of the national economy had peaked in 2007 Q4 before the 2008 financial crisis precipitated what has become known as the Great Recession. $634bn was wiped from the US economy between its peak in 2007 Q4 and the trough in 2009 Q2, a decline of 4.3%. Indiana’s economy was the 16th largest in Real GDP terms but over the same period it fell by 9.5% and $27.2bn from $285.6bn to $258.4bn, a performance that ranked 47th when compared to the other states. Employee income fell by 5.1% between 2007 and 2009.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes data on Real Gross Domestic Product by industry and by state on a quarterly basis. Six of twenty economic sectors managed to increase their Real GDP during the 2008 recession at a national level, but in Indiana’s economy seven sectors increased their Real GDP. This would suggest the economy should have achieved a higher ranking than 47th, but due to the dominance of the manufacturing industry in Indiana’s economy (in 2007 Q4 it was larger than the combined Real GDP of the next four sectors) and the fact that it fell by 22.5% meant that good performances  elsewhere would not change the overall picture.

Twelve states managed to avoid a technical recession by increasing their overall Real Gross Domestic Product.

All of the data in this post is provided in a searchable table at the end of the post. Just select your state or industry.

A common feature of these states’ economies is that they tended to have a large mining sector, a large finance sector, a large government sector, or a disproportionately large combination of these.

Indiana’s economy did not fit this profile.

The Great Recession Growth Index Table for 19 Private Sector Industries in Indiana

The Great Recession commenced at the end of Q4 2007 and ended in Q2 2009. Using Real GDP in Q4 2007 as Index 100 the following table shows how the nineteen industries changed over this 6 quarter period.

Indiana's Economy & the 2008 Great Recession: The Impact By Industry on Real Gross Domestic Product in 2008
An Index that measures the change in Real Gross Domestic Product by industry from the Peak in Q4 2007 to the Trough Q2 2009 – Component Id900, Industry Id 2

Nationally the six industry sectors to increase their Real GDP during the 2008 recession were:

  • The mining sector, which increased by 18.7%. This sector benefited from a boom in commodity prices as investors switched to them from property assets. Indiana’s mining sector increased its Real GDP by 8.2% and $111m to $1.47bn, a performance that ranked 21st when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 5.5% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sector, which increased by 16.4%, again thanks to a boom in certain commodity prices. In percentage terms this was Indiana’s best performance during the recession, increasing by 17.7% and $460m to $3.1bn, a performance ranked 22nd when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 1.1% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The finance and insurance sector, which increased by 9.5%. The sector that caused the recession avoided one itself, thanks to a bailout by taxpayers of an industry too big to fail. In Indiana though, the finance and insurance sector did fall by 5.2% and $744m to $13.6bn, a performance ranked 47th when compared to other states and the District of Columbia. In neighboring Michigan the sector fell by 4.4% and by 23.7% in Iowa, but Ohio’s sector increased by 6.6%. Employee income fell by 6.8% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The educational services sector, which increased by 7.5%. The Indiana educational sector increased by 7.7% and $185m to $2.6bn, a performance ranked 20th compared to other states. Employee income increased by 15.8% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The healthcare and social assistance sector, which increased by 6.1%. Indiana’s healthcare and social assistance sector only increased by 3.6% and $734m to $20.9bn, a performance ranked 46th when compared to other states. Employee income increased by 8% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The government sector which increased by 1.7%. This was the second largest sector of Indiana’s economy and it increased by 4% and $1.1bn to $28.1bn by 2009 Q2, a performance that ranked 16th when compared to other states. Employee income increased by 7.1% from 2007 to 2009.

Indiana’s Private Sectors that increased Real Gross Domestic Product during the Great Recession

Indiana's Economy Industry Sectors Where Real Gross Domestic Product Increased During 2008 Great Recession
The value ($m) of the increase in Real Gross Domestic Product by Industry between the peak of Q4 2007 and the trough in Q2 2009

The two sectors of Indiana’s economy to increase their Real GDP during the 2008 but declined nationally were:

  • The real estate rental and leasing sector, the third largest in Indiana’s economy in 2007 Q4, increased Real GDP by 2% and $509m to $25.8bn by 2009 Q2. Nationally the sector fell by 1.9% so Indiana’s performance ranked 16th when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 4.8% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The professional scientific and technical services sector fell by 2.4% nationally but increased by 0.2% in Indiana, increasing by $23m to $10.3bn by 2009 Q2. The performance ranked 16th when compared to other states. Employee income increased by 2% from 2007 to 2009.

Indiana’s Private Sectors where Real Gross Domestic Product decreased during the Great Recession

Indiana's Economy: Industry Sectors Where Real Gross Domestic Product Decreased During 2008 Great Recession
The value ($m) of the decrease in Real Gross Domestic Product by Industry between the peak of Q4 2007 and the trough in Q2 2009

Indiana’s manufacturing sector loses $20bn in Real GDP during the 2008 recession

The four sectors hardest hit by the 2008 recession were the construction sector (down 18.8%), the wholesale trade sector (down 16.5%), the manufacturing sector (down 12.9%) and the transportation and warehousing sector (down 11.3%).  Industrial economies suffered the most and Indiana’s was no exception as these sectors were the four hardest hit in Indiana also.

It is worth putting some perspective on just how dependent the Indiana economy was in 2007 Q4 on the manufacturing sector, compared to neighbors Ohio and Michigan.

Indiana, Michigan Ohio manufacturing Real GDP in the Great Recession of 2008

The size Indiana’s Real Gross Domestic Product in 2007 Q4 is just over 2/3rd’s the Michigan economy and just over half the size of Ohio’s economy, yet at $87bn its manufacturing sector is of similar size, and made up 30% of Indiana’s Real GDP before the recession started. Michigan’s manufacturing sector did fall by 37% and Indiana’s by 23%, but both are equivalent to 7% of the total economy in their respective states.

Overall the Michigan economy fell by 12%, Indiana’s by 9.5% and Ohio’s by 6.6%. One in six Indiana jobs were in the manufacturing sector and the bulk of the sector was supporting the auto industry. Employee income fell by 17.8% from 2007 to 2009.

The other three sectors performed as follows:

  • The construction sector was the seventh largest in Indiana’s economy in 2007 Q4 and it fell by 18.1% and $2.2bn to $10bn by 2009 Q2, a performance that ranked 34th when compared to other states;
  • The wholesale trade sector was the fourth largest in Indiana, and it fell by 17.1% and $2.9bn to $13.9bn by 2009 Q2, a performance that was ranked 38th compared to other states. Employee income fell by 8% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The transportation and warehousing sector fell by 14.4% and $1.5bn to $8.7bn, a performance that was ranked 37th when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 7.3% from 2007 to 2009.

The 2008 recession performance of six sectors of Indiana’s economy ranked in the bottom 10 when compared to other states

In addition to the health sector (ranked 46th), the finance sector (ranked 47th) and the manufacturing sector (ranked 45th) a further three sectors of Indiana’s economy ranked in the bottom 10 when compared to other states. They were:

  • The administrative and waste management sector, which fell by 10.7% and $784m to $6.5bn, compared to a decrease of 8.8% nationally. This performance ranked 45th when compared to other states, and employee income fell by 7.6% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The other services except government sector, which fell by 9.9% and $$684m to $6.2bn, compared to a decrease of $2.4% nationally. The performance ranked 42nd when compared to other states and employee income fell by 1% from 2007 to 2009;
  • The management of companies and enterprises sector fell by 9.8% and $319m to $2.9bn, compared to a 9.1% decline nationally. The performance ranked 40th when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 7.3% from 2007 to 2009

Indiana’s retail trade sector’s 2008 recession performance ranked 16th when compared to other states

In 2007 Q4 the retail sector was the 5th largest in the Indiana economy with a Real GDP value of $16.6bn. The sector fell by 7.4% nationally but in Indiana it fell by 3.8% and $622m to $15.9bn, a performance that was ranked 16th when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 5.9% from 2007 to 2009.

Indiana’s small information sector also did relatively well, falling by 1.7% when nationally the sector fell by 4.3%. Real GDP declined by $116m to $6.7bn, in a performance ranked 17th when compared to other states. Employee income fell by 2% from 2007 to 2009.

The utilities sector fell by 6.4% in Indiana compared to 9.4% nationally. Real GDP fell by $355m to $5.2bn in a performance that ranked 21st when compared to other states. Employee income increased by 8.9% from 2007 to 2009.

Employment market

Indiana’s potential labor force at the end of 2007 totaled 3,209,098 with 3,056,613 in work and 152,485 unemployed, equivalent to 4.8%. Unemployment increased to 342,376 in June 2009, equivalent to 10.7%, but it continued to rise and did not peak until February 2010 at which point 344,319 were unemployed, equivalent to 10.9%, and 191,834 jobs had been lost since December 2007. By June 2009 Indiana’s labor force totaled 3,200,147 and 2,857,771 were in work.

By April 2017 the number unemployed fell to 118,635, equivalent to 3.6% of the workforce.

StateIndustryRGDP '07q4 $mRGDP '09q2 $mChange $mChange %State RankingIncomes '09 v '07
AlabamaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,363 $2,120 $75755.5%6-5.5%
AlabamaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$9,775 $10,397 $6226.4%311.3%
AlabamaHealth care and social assistance$11,646 $12,245 $5995.1%389.2%
AlabamaGovernment$30,552 $31,389 $8372.7%248.9%
AlabamaEducational services$870$892$222.5%499.3%
AlabamaReal estate and rental and leasing$17,371 $17,774 $4032.3%13-6.6%
AlabamaManagement of companies and enterprises$1,541 $1,549 $80.5%122.3%
AlabamaFinance and insurance$7,910 $7,768 -$142-1.8%42-2.2%
AlabamaMining$3,123 $3,012 -$111-3.6%294.8%
AlabamaInformation$4,885 $4,665 -$220-4.5%27-5.1%
AlabamaAll Industries$176,494 $168,182 -$8,312 -4.7%280.2%
AlabamaOther services, except government$4,796 $4,542 -$254-5.3%194.5%
AlabamaAdministrative and waste management services$4,273 $4,032 -$241-5.6%19-5.1%
AlabamaRetail trade$12,889 $11,814 -$1,075 -8.3%35-4.4%
AlabamaAccommodation and food services$4,259 $3,863 -$396-9.3%223.3%
AlabamaArts, entertainment, and recreation$632$570-$62-9.8%397.1%
AlabamaUtilities$5,280 $4,749 -$531-10.1%392.1%
AlabamaWholesale trade$11,181 $9,733 -$1,448 -13.0%15-5.5%
AlabamaTransportation and warehousing$4,991 $4,320 -$671-13.4%33-6.0%
AlabamaManufacturing$29,875 $25,023 -$4,852 -16.2%33-11.9%
AlabamaConstruction$9,404 $7,705 -$1,699 -18.1%32-11.8%
AlaskaMining$11,633 $15,800 $4,167 35.8%719.2%
AlaskaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$381$505$12432.5%1627.0%
AlaskaFinance and insurance$950$1,105 $15516.3%8-2.3%
AlaskaAll Industries$45,519 $50,900 $5,381 11.8%18.3%
AlaskaAdministrative and waste management services$842$934$9210.9%210.9%
AlaskaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$1,557 $1,725 $16810.8%117.2%
AlaskaManagement of companies and enterprises$256$282$2610.2%69.3%
AlaskaHealth care and social assistance$2,336 $2,554 $2189.3%314.2%
AlaskaGovernment$8,578 $9,063 $4855.7%410.7%
AlaskaReal estate and rental and leasing$3,613 $3,784 $1714.7%1011.3%
AlaskaManufacturing$1,575 $1,643 $684.3%5-5.0%
AlaskaArts, entertainment, and recreation$210$213$31.4%101.8%
AlaskaConstruction$2,197 $2,221 $241.1%62.4%
AlaskaRetail trade$1,973 $1,975 $20.1%4-0.9%
AlaskaEducational services$124$123-$1-0.8%500.9%
AlaskaOther services, except government$755$740-$15-2.0%39.2%
AlaskaInformation$1,146 $1,116 -$30-2.6%213.9%
AlaskaAccommodation and food services$1,269 $1,219 -$50-3.9%6-2.3%
AlaskaWholesale trade$1,220 $1,034 -$186-15.2%270.7%
AlaskaTransportation and warehousing$5,143 $4,249 -$894-17.4%451.1%
ArizonaEducational services$2,266 $2,569 $30313.4%427.8%
ArizonaHealth care and social assistance$18,347 $19,594 $1,247 6.8%1513.6%
ArizonaGovernment$36,185 $34,873 -$1,312 -3.6%505.9%
ArizonaReal estate and rental and leasing$40,236 $38,265 -$1,971 -4.9%41-10.4%
ArizonaUtilities$6,015 $5,676 -$339-5.6%186.7%
ArizonaInformation$7,722 $7,197 -$525-6.8%35-1.9%
ArizonaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$14,891 $13,785 -$1,106 -7.4%48-2.9%
ArizonaManagement of companies and enterprises$3,138 $2,868 -$270-8.6%33-3.5%
ArizonaFinance and insurance$12,822 $11,558 -$1,264 -9.9%48-11.1%
ArizonaAdministrative and waste management services$12,272 $11,014 -$1,258 -10.3%40-11.8%
ArizonaAll Industries$271,824 $241,232 -$30,592 -11.3%49-5.1%
ArizonaOther services, except government$5,845 $5,167 -$678-11.6%49-2.0%
ArizonaTransportation and warehousing$7,614 $6,693 -$921-12.1%27-7.6%
ArizonaArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,371 $2,061 -$310-13.1%480.9%
ArizonaRetail trade$21,317 $18,371 -$2,946 -13.8%50-11.7%
ArizonaMining$5,905 $5,087 -$818-13.9%36-0.5%
ArizonaWholesale trade$16,970 $14,165 -$2,805 -16.5%35-7.4%
ArizonaAccommodation and food services$10,129 $8,288 -$1,841 -18.2%48-6.7%
ArizonaManufacturing$24,889 $19,623 -$5,266 -21.2%43-9.5%
ArizonaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,738 $1,104 -$634-36.5%480.5%
ArizonaConstruction$20,943 $13,265 -$7,678 -36.7%51-39.2%
ArkansasMining$1,573 $2,525 $95260.5%340.7%
ArkansasManagement of companies and enterprises$2,680 $3,001 $32112.0%415.5%
ArkansasEducational services$474$524$5010.5%920.4%
ArkansasFinance and insurance$3,922 $4,242 $3208.2%18-1.0%
ArkansasHealth care and social assistance$7,436 $7,897 $4616.2%2610.8%
ArkansasArts, entertainment, and recreation$369$378$92.4%88.2%
ArkansasReal estate and rental and leasing$9,457 $9,598 $1411.5%203.0%
ArkansasGovernment$13,667 $13,706 $390.3%388.0%
ArkansasAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,391 $2,382 -$9-0.4%38-4.3%
ArkansasAdministrative and waste management services$2,253 $2,218 -$35-1.6%84.6%
ArkansasRetail trade$6,948 $6,824 -$124-1.8%110.4%
ArkansasProfessional, scientific, and technical services$3,564 $3,387 -$177-5.0%462.8%
ArkansasConstruction$4,492 $4,229 -$263-5.9%122.0%
ArkansasOther services, except government$2,382 $2,229 -$153-6.4%243.4%
ArkansasAccommodation and food services$2,492 $2,299 -$193-7.7%174.1%
ArkansasAll Industries$104,592 $96,367 -$8,225 -7.9%461.3%
ArkansasUtilities$2,604 $2,368 -$236-9.1%347.8%
ArkansasWholesale trade$7,813 $6,903 -$910-11.6%101.5%
ArkansasTransportation and warehousing$4,792 $4,008 -$784-16.4%43-11.4%
ArkansasManufacturing$17,088 $13,730 -$3,358 -19.7%40-11.8%
ArkansasInformation$8,584 $3,908 -$4,676 -54.5%51-21.2%
CaliforniaMining$14,598 $20,753 $6,155 42.2%42.6%
CaliforniaEducational services$16,980 $18,640 $1,660 9.8%1117.7%
CaliforniaFinance and insurance$87,757 $96,315 $8,558 9.8%17-16.7%
CaliforniaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$23,422 $25,624 $2,202 9.4%307.7%
CaliforniaHealth care and social assistance$107,332 $114,474 $7,142 6.7%1713.4%
CaliforniaGovernment$264,608 $261,666 -$2,942 -1.1%455.4%
CaliforniaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$163,544 $157,940 -$5,604 -3.4%410.5%
CaliforniaReal estate and rental and leasing$335,479 $317,489 -$17,990 -5.4%45-11.0%
CaliforniaAll Industries$2,029,934 $1,908,955 -$120,979 -6.0%42-3.7%
CaliforniaManufacturing$240,158 $225,722 -$14,436 -6.0%14-9.1%
CaliforniaArts, entertainment, and recreation$28,257 $26,547 -$1,710 -6.1%290.8%
CaliforniaInformation$136,160 $127,500 -$8,660 -6.4%34-6.9%
CaliforniaAdministrative and waste management services$62,170 $56,125 -$6,045 -9.7%35-9.6%
CaliforniaOther services, except government$49,109 $43,648 -$5,461 -11.1%47-1.7%
CaliforniaAccommodation and food services$53,877 $47,439 -$6,438 -11.9%38-3.9%
CaliforniaManagement of companies and enterprises$29,522 $25,905 -$3,617 -12.3%43-9.0%
CaliforniaTransportation and warehousing$48,109 $41,766 -$6,343 -13.2%32-7.4%
CaliforniaRetail trade$127,478 $109,943 -$17,535 -13.8%49-12.8%
CaliforniaUtilities$31,611 $26,407 -$5,204 -16.5%478.4%
CaliforniaWholesale trade$123,824 $98,136 -$25,688 -20.7%47-9.4%
CaliforniaConstruction$89,929 $66,872 -$23,057 -25.6%43-25.0%
ColoradoMining$8,974 $11,229 $2,255 25.1%92.7%
ColoradoHealth care and social assistance$14,105 $15,040 $9356.6%1914.6%
ColoradoFinance and insurance$12,400 $13,153 $7536.1%23-5.8%
ColoradoEducational services$1,742 $1,844 $1025.9%3414.1%
ColoradoAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,746 $1,818 $724.1%3610.3%
ColoradoGovernment$31,838 $32,970 $1,132 3.6%1711.9%
ColoradoProfessional, scientific, and technical services$22,450 $21,829 -$621-2.8%363.8%
ColoradoAll Industries$257,174 $245,044 -$12,130 -4.7%291.1%
ColoradoManufacturing$20,229 $19,254 -$975-4.8%11-6.9%
ColoradoRetail trade$14,725 $13,738 -$987-6.7%31-4.9%
ColoradoOther services, except government$6,240 $5,794 -$446-7.1%304.2%
ColoradoInformation$20,169 $18,315 -$1,854 -9.2%411.0%
ColoradoArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,985 $2,705 -$280-9.4%351.3%
ColoradoReal estate and rental and leasing$37,891 $33,854 -$4,037 -10.7%49-11.1%
ColoradoAdministrative and waste management services$8,496 $7,559 -$937-11.0%46-4.3%
ColoradoUtilities$3,485 $3,074 -$411-11.8%419.0%
ColoradoManagement of companies and enterprises$4,916 $4,251 -$665-13.5%461.7%
ColoradoAccommodation and food services$8,626 $7,409 -$1,217 -14.1%41-1.6%
ColoradoWholesale trade$15,391 $13,048 -$2,343 -15.2%25-5.7%
ColoradoTransportation and warehousing$7,619 $6,288 -$1,331 -17.5%47-5.4%
ColoradoConstruction$14,367 $11,820 -$2,547 -17.7%31-16.2%
ConnecticutReal estate and rental and leasing$34,257 $38,267 $4,010 11.7%5-8.9%
ConnecticutEducational services$3,758 $4,165 $40710.8%718.2%
ConnecticutFinance and insurance$33,692 $36,986 $3,294 9.8%16-13.4%
ConnecticutHealth care and social assistance$17,034 $18,215 $1,181 6.9%1411.7%
ConnecticutUtilities$3,687 $3,758 $711.9%101.7%
ConnecticutAccommodation and food services$4,464 $4,427 -$37-0.8%2-0.9%
ConnecticutInformation$9,927 $9,660 -$267-2.7%22-5.0%
ConnecticutGovernment$24,728 $23,930 -$798-3.2%495.7%
ConnecticutProfessional, scientific, and technical services$15,214 $14,514 -$700-4.6%45-2.4%
ConnecticutAll Industries$246,555 $232,744 -$13,811 -5.6%37-3.1%
ConnecticutArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,181 $2,033 -$148-6.8%301.6%
ConnecticutRetail trade$12,351 $11,418 -$933-7.6%33-5.2%
ConnecticutAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$329$295-$34-10.3%43-7.7%
ConnecticutOther services, except government$5,061 $4,508 -$553-10.9%461.1%
ConnecticutTransportation and warehousing$4,282 $3,790 -$492-11.5%23-7.4%
ConnecticutManagement of companies and enterprises$5,943 $5,188 -$755-12.7%44-10.2%
ConnecticutWholesale trade$14,616 $12,658 -$1,958 -13.4%18-4.8%
ConnecticutConstruction$8,417 $7,084 -$1,333 -15.8%28-16.4%
ConnecticutAdministrative and waste management services$6,293 $4,790 -$1,503 -23.9%51-7.8%
ConnecticutManufacturing$40,345 $26,951 -$13,394 -33.2%49-7.6%
DelawareFinance and insurance$12,984 $15,775 $2,791 21.5%6-10.2%
DelawareReal estate and rental and leasing$8,093 $9,439 $1,346 16.6%1-9.1%
DelawareHealth care and social assistance$3,476 $3,685 $2096.0%3312.5%
DelawareEducational services$327$339$123.7%439.1%
DelawareGovernment$6,001 $6,174 $1732.9%229.9%
DelawareAll Industries$56,510 $57,687 $1,177 2.1%6-3.6%
DelawareProfessional, scientific, and technical services$3,414 $3,436 $220.6%120.6%
DelawareArts, entertainment, and recreation$440$427-$13-3.0%212.6%
DelawareInformation$1,176 $1,123 -$53-4.5%28-3.8%
DelawareRetail trade$2,602 $2,394 -$208-8.0%34-9.9%
DelawareTransportation and warehousing$831$748-$83-10.0%15-2.8%
DelawareManagement of companies and enterprises$1,490 $1,329 -$161-10.8%42-8.2%
DelawareOther services, except government$1,006 $880-$126-12.5%51-4.3%
DelawareAdministrative and waste management services$1,362 $1,162 -$200-14.7%49-9.2%
DelawareAccommodation and food services$1,207 $1,023 -$184-15.2%42-2.7%
DelawareConstruction$2,295 $1,918 -$377-16.4%30-23.0%
DelawareWholesale trade$2,641 $2,013 -$628-23.8%50-8.8%
DelawareManufacturing$6,088 $4,568 -$1,520 -25.0%47-18.8%
DelawareAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$237-$237-100.0%51-100.0%
Dist. of ColumbiaMining$0$0$0#DIV/0!1-100.0%
Dist. of ColumbiaManagement of companies and enterprises$332$455$12337.0%2-8.1%
Dist. of ColumbiaGovernment$32,286 $35,145 $2,859 8.9%113.1%
Dist. of ColumbiaEducational services$2,905 $3,128 $2237.7%2115.9%
Dist. of ColumbiaArts, entertainment, and recreation$733$784$517.0%228.8%
Dist. of ColumbiaHealth care and social assistance$4,230 $4,335 $1052.5%498.8%
Dist. of ColumbiaReal estate and rental and leasing$7,987 $8,159 $1722.2%14-9.0%
Dist. of ColumbiaAll Industries$97,143 $99,048 $1,905 2.0%86.6%
Dist. of ColumbiaOther services, except government$6,055 $6,124 $691.1%19.3%
Dist. of ColumbiaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$21,126 $21,232 $1060.5%142.5%
Dist. of ColumbiaManufacturing$254$248-$6-2.4%8-11.9%
Dist. of ColumbiaAdministrative and waste management services$2,631 $2,543 -$88-3.3%120.1%
Dist. of ColumbiaConstruction$1,071 $1,034 -$37-3.5%10-4.2%
Dist. of ColumbiaInformation$6,575 $6,192 -$383-5.8%33-8.2%
Dist. of ColumbiaRetail trade$1,151 $1,082 -$69-6.0%28-3.0%
Dist. of ColumbiaUtilities$1,452 $1,302 -$150-10.3%406.6%
Dist. of ColumbiaAccommodation and food services$3,120 $2,765 -$355-11.4%353.8%
Dist. of ColumbiaFinance and insurance$3,861 $3,413 -$448-11.6%49-22.1%
Dist. of ColumbiaWholesale trade$913$795-$118-12.9%140.2%
Dist. of ColumbiaTransportation and warehousing$363$310-$53-14.6%407.0%
Dist. of ColumbiaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1-$1-100.0%50-100.0%
FloridaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$5,497 $5,992 $4959.0%313.7%
FloridaEducational services$6,843 $7,203 $3605.3%3615.9%
FloridaHealth care and social assistance$58,457 $60,674 $2,217 3.8%448.8%
FloridaArts, entertainment, and recreation$12,482 $12,315 -$167-1.3%153.3%
FloridaInformation$33,461 $32,959 -$502-1.5%15-7.1%
FloridaGovernment$100,750 $98,076 -$2,674 -2.7%483.9%
FloridaFinance and insurance$37,311 $35,691 -$1,620 -4.3%45-12.7%
FloridaManagement of companies and enterprises$10,469 $9,758 -$711-6.8%27-7.0%
FloridaUtilities$16,662 $15,499 -$1,163 -7.0%2710.5%
FloridaAccommodation and food services$32,040 $29,319 -$2,721 -8.5%19-5.5%
FloridaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$52,195 $47,386 -$4,809 -9.2%51-2.3%
FloridaTransportation and warehousing$23,535 $21,328 -$2,207 -9.4%12-4.9%
FloridaReal estate and rental and leasing$135,642 $122,320 -$13,322 -9.8%48-13.1%
FloridaAll Industries$798,566 $718,368 -$80,198 -10.0%48-5.8%
FloridaOther services, except government$23,011 $20,619 -$2,392 -10.4%43-2.6%
FloridaRetail trade$58,888 $51,971 -$6,917 -11.7%48-9.8%
FloridaManufacturing$44,390 $37,496 -$6,894 -15.5%27-12.5%
FloridaAdministrative and waste management services$33,764 $28,373 -$5,391 -16.0%50-17.5%
FloridaWholesale trade$57,933 $45,641 -$12,292 -21.2%48-9.5%
FloridaMining$2,038 $1,382 -$656-32.2%44-23.8%
FloridaConstruction$53,284 $34,325 -$18,959 -35.6%49-33.7%
GeorgiaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,488 $3,581 $1,093 43.9%10-6.5%
GeorgiaFinance and insurance$26,902 $28,908 $2,006 7.5%21-6.0%
GeorgiaHealth care and social assistance$23,539 $25,270 $1,731 7.4%1111.2%
GeorgiaEducational services$4,160 $4,409 $2496.0%3313.7%
GeorgiaArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,296 $2,383 $873.8%64.0%
GeorgiaManagement of companies and enterprises$6,313 $6,543 $2303.6%10-5.2%
GeorgiaUtilities$8,379 $8,573 $1942.3%98.3%
GeorgiaGovernment$55,870 $56,912 $1,042 1.9%287.9%
GeorgiaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$26,905 $26,492 -$413-1.5%293.4%
GeorgiaReal estate and rental and leasing$50,782 $48,747 -$2,035 -4.0%39-12.6%
GeorgiaOther services, except government$9,206 $8,566 -$640-7.0%270.8%
GeorgiaAll Industries$437,732 $405,666 -$32,066 -7.3%45-2.2%
GeorgiaAdministrative and waste management services$14,573 $13,265 -$1,308 -9.0%33-6.9%
GeorgiaRetail trade$26,352 $23,834 -$2,518 -9.6%41-7.5%
GeorgiaTransportation and warehousing$16,621 $14,818 -$1,803 -10.8%18-6.5%
GeorgiaAccommodation and food services$11,754 $10,407 -$1,347 -11.5%36-2.2%
GeorgiaManufacturing$52,978 $44,689 -$8,289 -15.6%28-11.7%
GeorgiaWholesale trade$37,435 $30,251 -$7,184 -19.2%44-7.6%
GeorgiaInformation$38,745 $31,237 -$7,508 -19.4%48-7.1%
GeorgiaMining$1,668 $1,272 -$396-23.7%39-32.5%
GeorgiaConstruction$21,376 $15,485 -$5,891 -27.6%47-20.1%
HawaiiManufacturing$1,209 $1,370 $16113.3%3-6.4%
HawaiiAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$356$384$287.9%345.2%
HawaiiEducational services$688$732$446.4%3015.3%
HawaiiHealth care and social assistance$3,974 $4,214 $2406.0%3011.6%
HawaiiGovernment$14,117 $14,858 $7415.2%79.9%
HawaiiArts, entertainment, and recreation$668$674$60.9%11-2.1%
HawaiiProfessional, scientific, and technical services$2,992 $2,944 -$48-1.6%304.8%
HawaiiAdministrative and waste management services$1,970 $1,925 -$45-2.3%90.5%
HawaiiFinance and insurance$2,157 $2,087 -$70-3.2%44-3.7%
HawaiiReal estate and rental and leasing$12,942 $12,495 -$447-3.5%37-12.2%
HawaiiAll Industries$68,598 $65,390 -$3,208 -4.7%270.9%
HawaiiInformation$1,949 $1,841 -$108-5.5%32-8.1%
HawaiiManagement of companies and enterprises$813$760-$53-6.5%25-9.6%
HawaiiRetail trade$4,812 $4,373 -$439-9.1%40-4.0%
HawaiiUtilities$1,551 $1,402 -$149-9.6%3612.6%
HawaiiOther services, except government$1,740 $1,568 -$172-9.9%411.1%
HawaiiConstruction$4,824 $4,294 -$530-11.0%18-15.2%
HawaiiWholesale trade$2,418 $2,035 -$383-15.8%32-1.0%
HawaiiTransportation and warehousing$3,060 $2,510 -$550-18.0%48-19.8%
HawaiiAccommodation and food services$6,264 $4,813 -$1,451 -23.2%51-9.5%
IdahoAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,136 $2,386 $25011.7%281.5%
IdahoEducational services$340$368$288.2%1612.9%
IdahoFinance and insurance$2,166 $2,339 $1738.0%19-6.8%
IdahoHealth care and social assistance$3,785 $4,030 $2456.5%2212.8%
IdahoGovernment$8,164 $8,261 $971.2%317.0%
IdahoProfessional, scientific, and technical services$3,047 $3,030 -$17-0.6%233.1%
IdahoInformation$1,365 $1,331 -$34-2.5%19-1.4%
IdahoReal estate and rental and leasing$7,586 $7,268 -$318-4.2%40-17.8%
IdahoManagement of companies and enterprises$814$769-$45-5.5%23-20.5%
IdahoAll Industries$56,646 $53,302 -$3,344 -5.9%41-4.5%
IdahoAdministrative and waste management services$1,823 $1,686 -$137-7.5%25-4.9%
IdahoOther services, except government$1,205 $1,101 -$104-8.6%380.1%
IdahoRetail trade$4,981 $4,480 -$501-10.1%43-10.0%
IdahoArts, entertainment, and recreation$363$323-$40-11.0%42-7.9%
IdahoAccommodation and food services$1,460 $1,297 -$163-11.2%32-5.4%
IdahoManufacturing$6,443 $5,694 -$749-11.6%22-16.1%
IdahoTransportation and warehousing$1,619 $1,420 -$199-12.3%28-3.3%
IdahoWholesale trade$3,419 $2,816 -$603-17.6%40-5.9%
IdahoConstruction$4,462 $2,861 -$1,601 -35.9%50-33.2%
IllinoisAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$4,165 $4,831 $66616.0%24-4.7%
IllinoisEducational services$8,052 $8,859 $80710.0%1018.3%
IllinoisMining$2,164 $2,323 $1597.3%22-4.8%
IllinoisReal estate and rental and leasing$84,688 $89,117 $4,429 5.2%8-14.5%
IllinoisHealth care and social assistance$43,656 $45,725 $2,069 4.7%4210.9%
IllinoisFinance and insurance$56,681 $57,621 $9401.7%33-8.7%
IllinoisGovernment$69,170 $69,196 $260.0%426.5%
IllinoisOther services, except government$16,990 $16,282 -$708-4.2%123.9%
IllinoisProfessional, scientific, and technical services$52,048 $49,680 -$2,368 -4.5%44-0.5%
IllinoisAll Industries$673,373 $639,227 -$34,146 -5.1%34-2.6%
IllinoisInformation$25,388 $23,646 -$1,742 -6.9%36-4.8%
IllinoisArts, entertainment, and recreation$5,934 $5,486 -$448-7.5%310.6%
IllinoisManufacturing$88,660 $81,330 -$7,330 -8.3%16-11.3%
IllinoisManagement of companies and enterprises$15,572 $14,144 -$1,428 -9.2%35-6.1%
IllinoisAccommodation and food services$18,041 $16,303 -$1,738 -9.6%23-1.8%
IllinoisTransportation and warehousing$25,316 $22,424 -$2,892 -11.4%22-5.4%
IllinoisRetail trade$39,019 $34,542 -$4,477 -11.5%47-8.3%
IllinoisAdministrative and waste management services$21,802 $19,287 -$2,515 -11.5%47-8.8%
IllinoisUtilities$12,357 $10,715 -$1,642 -13.3%444.4%
IllinoisWholesale trade$53,903 $44,810 -$9,093 -16.9%37-5.3%
IllinoisConstruction$30,276 $22,922 -$7,354 -24.3%42-14.1%
IndianaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,599 $3,059 $46017.7%221.1%
IndianaMining$1,359 $1,470 $1118.2%21-5.5%
IndianaEducational services$2,401 $2,586 $1857.7%2015.8%
IndianaGovernment$27,034 $28,126 $1,092 4.0%167.1%
IndianaHealth care and social assistance$20,202 $20,936 $7343.6%468.0%
IndianaReal estate and rental and leasing$25,339 $25,848 $5092.0%16-4.8%
IndianaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$10,265 $10,288 $230.2%162.0%
IndianaInformation$6,776 $6,660 -$116-1.7%17-2.0%
IndianaRetail trade$16,560 $15,938 -$622-3.8%16-5.9%
IndianaArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,329 $3,167 -$162-4.9%26-1.9%
IndianaFinance and insurance$14,356 $13,612 -$744-5.2%47-6.8%
IndianaUtilities$5,535 $5,180 -$355-6.4%218.9%
IndianaAll Industries$285,601 $258,403 -$27,198 -9.5%47-5.1%
IndianaManagement of companies and enterprises$3,246 $2,927 -$319-9.8%40-7.3%
IndianaOther services, except government$6,900 $6,216 -$684-9.9%42-1.0%
IndianaAccommodation and food services$6,398 $5,756 -$642-10.0%25-2.3%
IndianaAdministrative and waste management services$7,318 $6,534 -$784-10.7%45-7.6%
IndianaTransportation and warehousing$10,116 $8,661 -$1,455 -14.4%37-7.3%
IndianaWholesale trade$16,773 $13,907 -$2,866 -17.1%38-8.0%
IndianaConstruction$12,272 $10,045 -$2,227 -18.1%34-15.8%
IndianaManufacturing$87,037 $67,494 -$19,543 -22.5%45-17.8%
IowaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$4,868 $6,010 $1,142 23.5%20-7.0%
IowaUtilities$2,793 $2,989 $1967.0%53.1%
IowaHealth care and social assistance$9,407 $10,004 $5976.3%2411.7%
IowaGovernment$16,313 $17,046 $7334.5%1212.8%
IowaEducational services$1,217 $1,270 $534.4%3914.2%
IowaRetail trade$7,852 $8,089 $2373.0%21.9%
IowaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$4,007 $4,070 $631.6%115.2%
IowaReal estate and rental and leasing$14,264 $14,063 -$201-1.4%3216.2%
IowaOther services, except government$3,089 $3,017 -$72-2.3%58.1%
IowaInformation$4,682 $4,560 -$122-2.6%20-0.7%
IowaConstruction$5,735 $5,553 -$182-3.2%9-6.0%
IowaAdministrative and waste management services$2,931 $2,827 -$104-3.5%130.9%
IowaArts, entertainment, and recreation$1,132 $1,080 -$52-4.6%252.8%
IowaManagement of companies and enterprises$1,389 $1,319 -$70-5.0%22-1.4%
IowaAll Industries$143,760 $135,315 -$8,445 -5.9%402.5%
IowaAccommodation and food services$2,928 $2,715 -$213-7.3%161.5%
IowaWholesale trade$8,475 $7,786 -$689-8.1%43.6%
IowaTransportation and warehousing$5,251 $4,652 -$599-11.4%21-2.7%
IowaManufacturing$29,863 $24,520 -$5,343 -17.9%38-8.2%
IowaFinance and insurance$17,574 $13,414 -$4,160 -23.7%51-0.9%
KansasAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,015 $3,979 $1,964 97.5%3-12.1%
KansasMining$1,527 $1,826 $29919.6%14-9.6%
KansasReal estate and rental and leasing$11,998 $13,491 $1,493 12.4%40.7%
KansasEducational services$730$777$476.4%2917.1%
KansasHealth care and social assistance$8,927 $9,408 $4815.4%3611.1%
KansasProfessional, scientific, and technical services$5,746 $5,745 -$10.0%206.0%
KansasGovernment$18,667 $18,591 -$76-0.4%439.4%
KansasManagement of companies and enterprises$1,545 $1,537 -$8-0.5%161.8%
KansasFinance and insurance$5,809 $5,757 -$52-0.9%39-1.3%
KansasRetail trade$8,072 $7,999 -$73-0.9%7-2.7%
KansasUtilities$2,291 $2,226 -$65-2.8%1311.6%
KansasAll Industries$127,750 $123,115 -$4,635 -3.6%250.8%
KansasAccommodation and food services$3,081 $2,924 -$157-5.1%90.5%
KansasConstruction$5,020 $4,748 -$272-5.4%11-6.1%
KansasAdministrative and waste management services$3,896 $3,588 -$308-7.9%27-2.9%
KansasWholesale trade$8,741 $8,016 -$725-8.3%54.3%
KansasOther services, except government$3,137 $2,867 -$270-8.6%371.7%
KansasArts, entertainment, and recreation$489$434-$55-11.2%431.4%
KansasTransportation and warehousing$4,938 $4,341 -$597-12.1%26-4.1%
KansasInformation$8,979 $7,366 -$1,613 -18.0%47-15.8%
KansasManufacturing$23,056 $17,481 -$5,575 -24.2%46-9.0%
KentuckyInformation$4,339 $5,441 $1,102 25.4%3-1.0%
KentuckyAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,894 $2,049 $1558.2%32-2.1%
KentuckyMining$5,382 $5,766 $3847.1%2318.3%
KentuckyEducational services$910$958$485.3%3514.7%
KentuckyHealth care and social assistance$12,496 $12,960 $4643.7%459.6%
KentuckyProfessional, scientific, and technical services$6,014 $6,195 $1813.0%87.6%
KentuckyFinance and insurance$6,842 $6,900 $580.8%34-0.8%
KentuckyGovernment$25,195 $25,206 $110.0%416.9%
KentuckyReal estate and rental and leasing$15,250 $15,199 -$51-0.3%26-0.9%
KentuckyRetail trade$9,990 $9,587 -$403-4.0%18-2.5%
KentuckyOther services, except government$3,721 $3,552 -$169-4.5%146.2%
KentuckyAll Industries$163,832 $154,402 -$9,430 -5.8%39-0.4%
KentuckyTransportation and warehousing$7,549 $6,875 -$674-8.9%11-7.3%
KentuckyManagement of companies and enterprises$2,552 $2,314 -$238-9.3%37-3.2%
KentuckyAdministrative and waste management services$4,017 $3,632 -$385-9.6%34-6.9%
KentuckyArts, entertainment, and recreation$812$729-$83-10.2%40-1.9%
KentuckyConstruction$7,149 $6,321 -$828-11.6%19-3.9%
KentuckyUtilities$3,068 $2,658 -$410-13.4%456.3%
KentuckyAccommodation and food services$4,990 $4,314 -$676-13.5%401.0%
KentuckyWholesale trade$11,680 $9,848 -$1,832 -15.7%31-5.8%
KentuckyManufacturing$30,111 $23,864 -$6,247 -20.7%42-14.9%
LouisianaMining$14,284 $20,204 $5,920 41.4%58.1%
LouisianaReal estate and rental and leasing$19,114 $22,236 $3,122 16.3%2-6.2%
LouisianaEducational services$1,473 $1,674 $20113.6%322.8%
LouisianaHealth care and social assistance$12,282 $13,295 $1,013 8.2%514.5%
LouisianaFinance and insurance$6,144 $6,615 $4717.7%20-3.3%
LouisianaGovernment$24,173 $25,240 $1,067 4.4%1311.7%
LouisianaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$8,839 $9,059 $2202.5%105.9%
LouisianaAll Industries$204,794 $208,728 $3,934 1.9%95.6%
LouisianaAdministrative and waste management services$5,189 $5,262 $731.4%40.3%
LouisianaConstruction$11,562 $11,721 $1591.4%49.3%
LouisianaManagement of companies and enterprises$2,167 $2,177 $100.5%138.8%
LouisianaTransportation and warehousing$8,347 $8,200 -$147-1.8%20.3%
LouisianaOther services, except government$4,699 $4,548 -$151-3.2%96.7%
LouisianaInformation$4,848 $4,666 -$182-3.8%25-2.2%
LouisianaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,557 $1,489 -$68-4.4%41-5.8%
LouisianaAccommodation and food services$6,270 $5,921 -$349-5.6%129.6%
LouisianaRetail trade$14,541 $13,271 -$1,270 -8.7%38-1.1%
LouisianaManufacturing$42,605 $37,670 -$4,935 -11.6%21-2.5%
LouisianaArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,380 $2,081 -$299-12.6%47-7.5%
LouisianaWholesale trade$11,382 $9,760 -$1,622 -14.3%21-1.0%
LouisianaUtilities$4,627 $3,669 -$958-20.7%5013.0%
MaineFinance and insurance$2,580 $2,736 $1566.0%24-3.3%
MaineHealth care and social assistance$5,739 $6,014 $2754.8%408.9%
MaineEducational services$633$655$223.5%478.3%
MaineReal estate and rental and leasing$6,887 $7,022 $1352.0%18-0.7%
MaineGovernment$7,495 $7,574 $791.1%344.8%
MaineProfessional, scientific, and technical services$2,519 $2,520 $10.0%195.4%
MaineAdministrative and waste management services$1,419 $1,410 -$9-0.6%57.8%
MaineManagement of companies and enterprises$679$662-$17-2.5%18-0.9%
MaineAll Industries$51,630 $50,123 -$1,507 -2.9%230.2%
MaineArts, entertainment, and recreation$454$439-$15-3.3%221.7%
MaineInformation$1,257 $1,209 -$48-3.8%26-8.1%
MaineRetail trade$4,463 $4,272 -$191-4.3%21-2.9%
MaineOther services, except government$1,204 $1,124 -$80-6.6%253.0%
MaineConstruction$2,477 $2,254 -$223-9.0%16-14.3%
MaineTransportation and warehousing$1,278 $1,157 -$121-9.5%13-3.4%
MaineAccommodation and food services$1,737 $1,540 -$197-11.3%33-1.0%
MaineManufacturing$6,138 $5,412 -$726-11.8%23-8.5%
MaineWholesale trade$2,994 $2,534 -$460-15.4%29-6.6%
MaineAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$703$700-$3-0.4%49-100.0%
MarylandAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$554$750$19635.4%12-5.8%
MarylandInformation$10,979 $14,700 $3,721 33.9%1-0.4%
MarylandEducational services$3,987 $4,334 $3478.7%1313.6%
MarylandHealth care and social assistance$20,842 $22,454 $1,612 7.7%1013.8%
MarylandProfessional, scientific, and technical services$28,222 $29,913 $1,691 6.0%59.7%
MarylandFinance and insurance$14,479 $15,017 $5383.7%30-8.4%
MarylandGovernment$61,374 $63,283 $1,909 3.1%209.2%
MarylandManufacturing$18,401 $18,606 $2051.1%7-4.1%
MarylandAll Industries$299,131 $300,738 $1,607 0.5%112.8%
MarylandReal estate and rental and leasing$50,139 $49,992 -$147-0.3%25-6.4%
MarylandAccommodation and food services$7,679 $7,456 -$223-2.9%40.4%
MarylandOther services, except government$7,635 $7,277 -$358-4.7%154.1%
MarylandAdministrative and waste management services$9,204 $8,683 -$521-5.7%20-2.5%
MarylandManagement of companies and enterprises$2,904 $2,700 -$204-7.0%29-2.4%
MarylandUtilities$6,000 $5,565 -$435-7.3%28-0.2%
MarylandTransportation and warehousing$6,078 $5,578 -$500-8.2%9-1.4%
MarylandRetail trade$16,527 $14,930 -$1,597 -9.7%42-8.0%
MarylandArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,045 $1,828 -$217-10.6%41-1.6%
MarylandConstruction$16,256 $14,303 -$1,953 -12.0%21-11.9%
MarylandWholesale trade$15,626 $13,181 -$2,445 -15.6%30-3.7%
MassachusettsAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$972$1,261 $28929.7%17-1.4%
MassachusettsFinance and insurance$29,910 $33,951 $4,041 13.5%11-9.0%
MassachusettsHealth care and social assistance$33,491 $35,511 $2,020 6.0%3111.8%
MassachusettsEducational services$10,402 $10,718 $3163.0%4811.8%
MassachusettsReal estate and rental and leasing$54,947 $56,226 $1,279 2.3%12-6.8%
MassachusettsGovernment$45,766 $46,265 $4991.1%336.8%
MassachusettsArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,334 $3,274 -$60-1.8%17-1.7%
MassachusettsProfessional, scientific, and technical services$41,866 $40,924 -$942-2.3%334.8%
MassachusettsAll Industries$396,190 $385,057 -$11,133 -2.8%22-0.8%
MassachusettsRetail trade$17,858 $17,128 -$730-4.1%19-4.5%
MassachusettsAccommodation and food services$10,065 $9,646 -$419-4.2%7-0.5%
MassachusettsInformation$21,747 $20,738 -$1,009 -4.6%29-0.5%
MassachusettsOther services, except government$8,473 $7,860 -$613-7.2%321.9%
MassachusettsManagement of companies and enterprises$8,823 $7,995 -$828-9.4%38-3.8%
MassachusettsUtilities$5,157 $4,657 -$500-9.7%3711.9%
MassachusettsAdministrative and waste management services$11,390 $10,185 -$1,205 -10.6%42-10.1%
MassachusettsWholesale trade$23,230 $20,525 -$2,705 -11.6%9-5.5%
MassachusettsTransportation and warehousing$6,891 $5,993 -$898-13.0%31-4.7%
MassachusettsConstruction$14,926 $12,976 -$1,950 -13.1%22-14.4%
MassachusettsManufacturing$46,911 $39,047 -$7,864 -16.8%36-12.0%
MichiganAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,147 $2,426 $27913.0%26-8.1%
MichiganMining$1,198 $1,336 $13811.5%18-8.4%
MichiganHealth care and social assistance$32,442 $34,017 $1,575 4.9%398.9%
MichiganRetail trade$25,262 $25,103 -$159-0.6%6-5.4%
MichiganInformation$11,265 $11,184 -$81-0.7%14-3.1%
MichiganGovernment$49,574 $48,959 -$615-1.2%464.0%
MichiganUtilities$8,114 $7,999 -$115-1.4%112.2%
MichiganEducational services$3,100 $3,015 -$85-2.7%516.2%
MichiganFinance and insurance$22,355 $21,366 -$989-4.4%46-8.9%
MichiganReal estate and rental and leasing$47,305 $44,919 -$2,386 -5.0%43-2.8%
MichiganOther services, except government$10,313 $9,564 -$749-7.3%33-3.1%
MichiganProfessional, scientific, and technical services$27,840 $25,345 -$2,495 -9.0%49-10.4%
MichiganArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,677 $3,254 -$423-11.5%451.2%
MichiganAccommodation and food services$10,277 $9,086 -$1,191 -11.6%37-5.0%
MichiganAll Industries$411,286 $362,107 -$49,179 -12.0%50-8.2%
MichiganAdministrative and waste management services$13,973 $12,207 -$1,766 -12.6%48-13.5%
MichiganManagement of companies and enterprises$8,202 $7,132 -$1,070 -13.0%45-15.7%
MichiganWholesale trade$27,213 $22,631 -$4,582 -16.8%36-8.7%
MichiganTransportation and warehousing$10,569 $8,502 -$2,067 -19.6%50-14.2%
MichiganConstruction$15,132 $12,092 -$3,040 -20.1%38-20.7%
MichiganManufacturing$81,876 $51,962 -$29,914 -36.5%50-25.5%
MinnesotaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$3,739 $4,487 $74820.0%2119.8%
MinnesotaEducational services$2,499 $2,719 $2208.8%1217.9%
MinnesotaHealth care and social assistance$23,338 $24,143 $8053.4%4710.1%
MinnesotaGovernment$28,794 $29,137 $3431.2%307.3%
MinnesotaFinance and insurance$20,325 $20,484 $1590.8%35-7.8%
MinnesotaArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,139 $2,077 -$62-2.9%201.4%
MinnesotaManufacturing$36,968 $35,483 -$1,485 -4.0%9-9.5%
MinnesotaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$16,300 $15,645 -$655-4.0%43-0.8%
MinnesotaAll Industries$269,443 $256,323 -$13,120 -4.9%30-1.7%
MinnesotaInformation$11,134 $10,589 -$545-4.9%30-1.7%
MinnesotaRetail trade$14,918 $14,060 -$858-5.8%27-5.0%
MinnesotaReal estate and rental and leasing$33,487 $31,429 -$2,058 -6.1%46-1.8%
MinnesotaUtilities$4,262 $3,983 -$279-6.5%227.9%
MinnesotaOther services, except government$6,376 $5,937 -$439-6.9%261.1%
MinnesotaAdministrative and waste management services$6,710 $6,134 -$576-8.6%30-6.7%
MinnesotaAccommodation and food services$6,380 $5,747 -$633-9.9%24-2.8%
MinnesotaTransportation and warehousing$8,061 $7,254 -$807-10.0%16-9.5%
MinnesotaWholesale trade$19,712 $17,343 -$2,369 -12.0%12-2.4%
MinnesotaManagement of companies and enterprises$10,476 $8,650 -$1,826 -17.4%48-5.1%
MinnesotaConstruction$12,881 $10,090 -$2,791 -21.7%40-18.6%
MinnesotaMining$1,297 $891-$406-31.3%43-17.2%
MississippiAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,383 $1,854 $47134.1%13-8.6%
MississippiMining$1,311 $1,626 $31524.0%11-1.8%
MississippiReal estate and rental and leasing$9,747 $11,080 $1,333 13.7%33.3%
MississippiEducational services$608$657$498.1%1917.0%
MississippiHealth care and social assistance$6,614 $6,929 $3154.8%4110.2%
MississippiFinance and insurance$3,606 $3,763 $1574.4%29-1.4%
MississippiGovernment$17,023 $17,481 $4582.7%258.4%
MississippiProfessional, scientific, and technical services$3,143 $3,158 $150.5%154.6%
MississippiInformation$2,008 $2,017 $90.4%130.1%
MississippiAll Industries$96,047 $93,717 -$2,330 -2.4%180.8%
MississippiAdministrative and waste management services$2,192 $2,103 -$89-4.1%15-2.2%
MississippiRetail trade$7,593 $7,234 -$359-4.7%24-3.6%
MississippiManagement of companies and enterprises$1,042 $990-$52-5.0%200.5%
MississippiOther services, except government$2,336 $2,199 -$137-5.9%213.6%
MississippiUtilities$2,637 $2,469 -$168-6.4%206.0%
MississippiArts, entertainment, and recreation$685$619-$66-9.6%38-6.6%
MississippiConstruction$5,694 $5,132 -$562-9.9%17-4.1%
MississippiAccommodation and food services$3,905 $3,504 -$401-10.3%27-3.6%
MississippiWholesale trade$5,041 $4,373 -$668-13.3%17-4.3%
MississippiTransportation and warehousing$3,349 $2,861 -$488-14.6%39-1.4%
MississippiManufacturing$16,355 $13,654 -$2,701 -16.5%35-10.6%
MissouriAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,524 $3,165 $64125.4%191.5%
MissouriFinance and insurance$16,294 $20,024 $3,730 22.9%52.0%
MissouriReal estate and rental and leasing$26,096 $28,408 $2,312 8.9%6-1.1%
MissouriEducational services$2,622 $2,794 $1726.6%2815.6%
MissouriHealth care and social assistance$19,447 $20,642 $1,195 6.1%2711.3%
MissouriGovernment$32,063 $33,144 $1,081 3.4%199.6%
MissouriArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,117 $3,132 $150.5%122.9%
MissouriProfessional, scientific, and technical services$14,899 $14,905 $60.0%183.8%
MissouriRetail trade$15,788 $15,637 -$151-1.0%8-1.1%
MissouriInformation$12,257 $12,052 -$205-1.7%167.9%
MissouriAll Industries$253,464 $248,714 -$4,750 -1.9%160.7%
MissouriAccommodation and food services$6,729 $6,378 -$351-5.2%11-1.3%
MissouriAdministrative and waste management services$7,393 $6,974 -$419-5.7%212.7%
MissouriOther services, except government$6,448 $6,068 -$380-5.9%221.4%
MissouriUtilities$4,329 $4,040 -$289-6.7%2410.9%
MissouriTransportation and warehousing$9,335 $8,237 -$1,098 -11.8%25-6.1%
MissouriConstruction$11,906 $10,191 -$1,715 -14.4%26-11.3%
MissouriWholesale trade$17,525 $14,915 -$2,610 -14.9%24-1.9%
MissouriManufacturing$35,583 $30,224 -$5,359 -15.1%26-10.8%
MissouriManagement of companies and enterprises$8,341 $6,885 -$1,456 -17.5%49-16.3%
MissouriMining$1,456 $895-$561-38.5%46-20.2%
MontanaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$881$1,176 $29533.5%150.0%
MontanaManagement of companies and enterprises$126$139$1310.3%523.7%
MontanaFinance and insurance$1,557 $1,713 $15610.0%150.6%
MontanaHealth care and social assistance$3,028 $3,266 $2387.9%914.7%
MontanaEducational services$149$155$64.0%4012.6%
MontanaGovernment$5,831 $5,958 $1272.2%278.9%
MontanaMining$2,065 $2,083 $180.9%27-9.3%
MontanaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$1,654 $1,643 -$11-0.7%243.7%
MontanaAdministrative and waste management services$840$820-$20-2.4%100.2%
MontanaReal estate and rental and leasing$4,888 $4,706 -$182-3.7%38-14.3%
MontanaAll Industries$37,281 $35,848 -$1,433 -3.8%261.4%
MontanaRetail trade$2,709 $2,591 -$118-4.4%23-3.6%
MontanaOther services, except government$895$850-$45-5.0%164.0%
MontanaAccommodation and food services$1,282 $1,168 -$114-8.9%200.9%
MontanaArts, entertainment, and recreation$517$468-$49-9.5%363.9%
MontanaTransportation and warehousing$1,752 $1,585 -$167-9.5%14-3.0%
MontanaConstruction$2,612 $2,254 -$358-13.7%25-21.9%
MontanaWholesale trade$2,133 $1,817 -$316-14.8%23-2.8%
MontanaManufacturing$2,530 $1,570 -$960-37.9%51-11.3%
NebraskaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$3,258 $5,038 $1,780 54.6%810.4%
NebraskaUtilities$1,145 $1,570 $42537.1%1-0.4%
NebraskaHealth care and social assistance$6,278 $6,680 $4026.4%2311.5%
NebraskaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$3,825 $4,058 $2336.1%412.7%
NebraskaEducational services$741$768$273.6%4410.7%
NebraskaConstruction$3,702 $3,744 $421.1%5-0.4%
NebraskaArts, entertainment, and recreation$431$433$20.5%139.2%
NebraskaManagement of companies and enterprises$1,928 $1,934 $60.3%14-0.2%
NebraskaWholesale trade$5,326 $5,339 $130.2%15.7%
NebraskaReal estate and rental and leasing$7,880 $7,874 -$6-0.1%230.5%
NebraskaAll Industries$85,916 $85,799 -$117-0.1%133.2%
NebraskaGovernment$11,409 $11,345 -$64-0.6%447.9%
NebraskaFinance and insurance$6,800 $6,746 -$54-0.8%382.2%
NebraskaRetail trade$5,212 $5,095 -$117-2.2%12-0.2%
NebraskaAdministrative and waste management services$2,068 $1,993 -$75-3.6%14-1.7%
NebraskaManufacturing$10,782 $10,282 -$500-4.6%10-3.8%
NebraskaOther services, except government$2,015 $1,912 -$103-5.1%177.7%
NebraskaAccommodation and food services$1,873 $1,777 -$96-5.1%101.7%
NebraskaTransportation and warehousing$7,334 $6,484 -$850-11.6%24-5.4%
NebraskaInformation$4,109 $2,584 -$1,525 -37.1%50-15.3%
NevadaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$179$268$8949.7%911.3%
NevadaEducational services$417$477$6014.4%224.3%
NevadaHealth care and social assistance$6,166 $6,493 $3275.3%3711.8%
NevadaGovernment$14,405 $14,572 $1671.2%329.3%
NevadaFinance and insurance$5,606 $5,462 -$144-2.6%43-12.4%
NevadaUtilities$2,423 $2,290 -$133-5.5%177.1%
NevadaMining$4,412 $4,131 -$281-6.4%312.8%
NevadaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$6,563 $5,965 -$598-9.1%50-8.2%
NevadaInformation$3,265 $2,962 -$303-9.3%42-8.4%
NevadaTransportation and warehousing$4,789 $4,305 -$484-10.1%175.4%
NevadaAdministrative and waste management services$3,848 $3,437 -$411-10.7%44-12.2%
NevadaOther services, except government$2,556 $2,282 -$274-10.7%450.5%
NevadaAll Industries$138,481 $120,146 -$18,335 -13.2%51-7.6%
NevadaReal estate and rental and leasing$21,523 $18,337 -$3,186 -14.8%51-17.4%
NevadaAccommodation and food services$19,265 $16,142 -$3,123 -16.2%44-10.8%
NevadaRetail trade$9,268 $7,743 -$1,525 -16.5%51-10.5%
NevadaManufacturing$6,842 $5,528 -$1,314 -19.2%39-14.6%
NevadaWholesale trade$5,940 $4,748 -$1,192 -20.1%45-8.2%
NevadaConstruction$12,433 $9,582 -$2,851 -22.9%41-31.4%
NevadaArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,749 $2,820 -$929-24.8%51-9.9%
NevadaManagement of companies and enterprises$4,839 $2,575 -$2,264 -46.8%51-24.9%
New HampshireUtilities$1,001 $1,166 $16516.5%215.2%
New HampshireHealth care and social assistance$5,226 $5,708 $4829.2%415.3%
New HampshireFinance and insurance$3,552 $3,765 $2136.0%26-0.5%
New HampshireManagement of companies and enterprises$909$951$424.6%8-21.8%
New HampshireEducational services$1,240 $1,295 $554.4%3810.0%
New HampshireRetail trade$5,916 $5,841 -$75-1.3%9-3.7%
New HampshireGovernment$7,831 $7,684 -$147-1.9%478.3%
New HampshireProfessional, scientific, and technical services$4,045 $3,922 -$123-3.0%395.2%
New HampshireInformation$2,580 $2,490 -$90-3.5%247.0%
New HampshireAll Industries$63,972 $60,771 -$3,201 -5.0%330.7%
New HampshireOther services, except government$1,622 $1,538 -$84-5.2%184.1%
New HampshireAccommodation and food services$1,924 $1,808 -$116-6.0%13-0.8%
New HampshireAdministrative and waste management services$1,980 $1,829 -$151-7.6%261.0%
New HampshireManufacturing$7,855 $6,981 -$874-11.1%19-9.2%
New HampshireAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$152$135-$17-11.2%44-8.9%
New HampshireReal estate and rental and leasing$9,430 $8,374 -$1,056 -11.2%507.0%
New HampshireWholesale trade$4,225 $3,618 -$607-14.4%22-5.3%
New HampshireConstruction$2,489 $2,105 -$384-15.4%27-14.0%
New HampshireTransportation and warehousing$1,078 $871-$207-19.2%49-1.5%
New HampshireArts, entertainment, and recreation$777$615-$162-20.8%50-5.5%
New HampshireMining$121$74-$47-38.8%47-21.4%
New JerseyAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$697$815$11816.9%23-3.9%
New JerseyFinance and insurance$26,543 $30,015 $3,472 13.1%12-8.3%
New JerseyHealth care and social assistance$34,431 $36,581 $2,150 6.2%259.6%
New JerseyEducational services$4,769 $5,006 $2375.0%3711.9%
New JerseyGovernment$57,553 $58,140 $5871.0%357.4%
New JerseyReal estate and rental and leasing$83,345 $82,716 -$629-0.8%29-7.8%
New JerseyProfessional, scientific, and technical services$41,751 $40,451 -$1,300 -3.1%400.9%
New JerseyMining$328$315-$13-4.0%30-0.8%
New JerseyAdministrative and waste management services$16,300 $15,604 -$696-4.3%16-4.1%
New JerseyAll Industries$505,620 $478,765 -$26,855 -5.3%35-1.1%
New JerseyTransportation and warehousing$16,287 $15,274 -$1,013 -6.2%4-4.8%
New JerseyManagement of companies and enterprises$13,300 $12,448 -$852-6.4%244.9%
New JerseyOther services, except government$11,070 $10,290 -$780-7.0%281.2%
New JerseyUtilities$8,842 $8,142 -$700-7.9%33-5.5%
New JerseyInformation$23,865 $21,819 -$2,046 -8.6%40-8.6%
New JerseyRetail trade$30,603 $27,476 -$3,127 -10.2%44-7.4%
New JerseyArts, entertainment, and recreation$4,175 $3,652 -$523-12.5%4612.2%
New JerseyManufacturing$55,065 $46,250 -$8,815 -16.0%30-8.7%
New JerseyConstruction$20,016 $16,752 -$3,264 -16.3%29-13.7%
New JerseyAccommodation and food services$12,432 $10,336 -$2,096 -16.9%46-4.1%
New JerseyWholesale trade$44,699 $36,685 -$8,014 -17.9%42-5.0%
New MexicoInformation$2,844 $3,792 $94833.3%22.2%
New MexicoMining$6,323 $7,643 $1,320 20.9%12-3.9%
New MexicoEducational services$427$463$368.4%1413.9%
New MexicoHealth care and social assistance$5,176 $5,539 $3637.0%1313.7%
New MexicoFinance and insurance$2,048 $2,171 $1236.0%25-1.3%
New MexicoArts, entertainment, and recreation$578$607$295.0%54.1%
New MexicoProfessional, scientific, and technical services$5,907 $6,055 $1482.5%92.9%
New MexicoReal estate and rental and leasing$9,293 $9,490 $1972.1%15-9.7%
New MexicoGovernment$19,604 $19,795 $1911.0%369.0%
New MexicoAll Industries$81,725 $82,359 $6340.8%102.3%
New MexicoAccommodation and food services$2,524 $2,457 -$67-2.7%31.9%
New MexicoAdministrative and waste management services$2,330 $2,254 -$76-3.3%11-0.2%
New MexicoRetail trade$5,180 $4,979 -$201-3.9%17-4.4%
New MexicoOther services, except government$2,008 $1,886 -$122-6.1%233.5%
New MexicoManufacturing$5,065 $4,613 -$452-8.9%17-14.7%
New MexicoManagement of companies and enterprises$492$439-$53-10.8%41-7.9%
New MexicoAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$875$775-$100-11.4%456.5%
New MexicoTransportation and warehousing$2,272 $1,883 -$389-17.1%44-11.8%
New MexicoUtilities$1,539 $1,275 -$264-17.2%4814.0%
New MexicoConstruction$4,562 $3,715 -$847-18.6%35-9.4%
New MexicoWholesale trade$3,183 $2,502 -$681-21.4%49-5.2%
New YorkFinance and insurance$143,897 $182,935 $39,038 27.1%2-22.4%
New YorkAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,765 $1,999 $23413.3%25-5.9%
New YorkInformation$78,141 $85,075 $6,934 8.9%7-0.8%
New YorkMining$1,008 $1,091 $838.2%20-9.5%
New YorkEducational services$19,722 $21,218 $1,496 7.6%2214.1%
New YorkArts, entertainment, and recreation$15,294 $16,300 $1,006 6.6%33.0%
New YorkHealth care and social assistance$79,996 $84,907 $4,911 6.1%2811.1%
New YorkGovernment$139,679 $143,272 $3,593 2.6%268.9%
New YorkAll Industries$1,128,313 $1,150,771 $22,458 2.0%7-3.0%
New YorkReal estate and rental and leasing$159,562 $160,109 $5470.3%22-5.3%
New YorkRetail trade$56,146 $54,786 -$1,360 -2.4%13-3.1%
New YorkOther services, except government$24,804 $24,104 -$700-2.8%75.7%
New YorkConstruction$39,375 $38,226 -$1,149 -2.9%8-0.3%
New YorkManufacturing$74,940 $71,324 -$3,616 -4.8%12-10.8%
New YorkProfessional, scientific, and technical services$101,984 $95,108 -$6,876 -6.7%470.9%
New YorkAccommodation and food services$28,879 $26,830 -$2,049 -7.1%153.2%
New YorkUtilities$19,381 $17,951 -$1,430 -7.4%293.1%
New YorkAdministrative and waste management services$30,533 $27,938 -$2,595 -8.5%29-2.1%
New YorkTransportation and warehousing$24,169 $21,450 -$2,719 -11.2%20-3.4%
New YorkManagement of companies and enterprises$26,354 $22,401 -$3,953 -15.0%47-13.2%
New YorkWholesale trade$65,299 $53,778 -$11,521 -17.6%41-7.3%
North CarolinaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,938 $4,094 $1,156 39.3%11-12.3%
North CarolinaFinance and insurance$24,852 $32,025 $7,173 28.9%1-10.2%
North CarolinaEducational services$3,980 $4,307 $3278.2%1717.7%
North CarolinaHealth care and social assistance$26,916 $28,415 $1,499 5.6%3510.4%
North CarolinaGovernment$58,638 $61,768 $3,130 5.3%511.5%
North CarolinaUtilities$6,467 $6,660 $1933.0%81.9%
North CarolinaReal estate and rental and leasing$43,488 $43,233 -$255-0.6%27-8.2%
North CarolinaAll Industries$418,006 $407,174 -$10,832 -2.6%20-1.0%
North CarolinaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$20,660 $20,079 -$581-2.8%373.8%
North CarolinaManagement of companies and enterprises$9,424 $9,017 -$407-4.3%19-1.0%
North CarolinaArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,324 $3,141 -$183-5.5%286.4%
North CarolinaRetail trade$22,772 $21,342 -$1,430 -6.3%30-7.0%
North CarolinaManufacturing$94,744 $87,903 -$6,841 -7.2%15-13.0%
North CarolinaOther services, except government$8,866 $8,149 -$717-8.1%361.0%
North CarolinaAdministrative and waste management services$11,592 $10,437 -$1,155 -10.0%37-3.2%
North CarolinaAccommodation and food services$9,704 $8,704 -$1,000 -10.3%280.0%
North CarolinaInformation$14,488 $12,850 -$1,638 -11.3%452.8%
North CarolinaTransportation and warehousing$9,572 $8,395 -$1,177 -12.3%29-5.7%
North CarolinaMining$1,033 $837-$196-19.0%38-28.9%
North CarolinaWholesale trade$25,250 $20,410 -$4,840 -19.2%43-5.7%
North CarolinaConstruction$21,086 $15,392 -$5,694 -27.0%46-21.8%
North DakotaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,729 $2,840 $1,111 64.3%5-5.9%
North DakotaMining$995$1,617 $62262.5%244.9%
North DakotaConstruction$1,374 $1,702 $32823.9%123.2%
North DakotaFinance and insurance$1,440 $1,650 $21014.6%108.2%
North DakotaEducational services$103$114$1110.7%814.0%
North DakotaAll Industries$29,516 $31,952 $2,436 8.3%211.1%
North DakotaGovernment$4,245 $4,491 $2465.8%312.7%
North DakotaReal estate and rental and leasing$2,942 $3,109 $1675.7%723.8%
North DakotaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$918$960$424.6%711.5%
North DakotaManagement of companies and enterprises$360$376$164.4%93.6%
North DakotaHealth care and social assistance$2,510 $2,621 $1114.4%4312.8%
North DakotaRetail trade$2,003 $2,069 $663.3%17.2%
North DakotaArts, entertainment, and recreation$117$119$21.7%914.5%
North DakotaOther services, except government$688$684-$4-0.6%28.7%
North DakotaWholesale trade$2,397 $2,374 -$23-1.0%214.3%
North DakotaAdministrative and waste management services$496$490-$6-1.2%62.4%
North DakotaTransportation and warehousing$1,350 $1,329 -$21-1.6%119.1%
North DakotaUtilities$853$789-$64-7.5%309.9%
North DakotaInformation$1,347 $1,146 -$201-14.9%462.8%
North DakotaAccommodation and food services$1,013 $847-$166-16.4%4511.1%
North DakotaManufacturing$3,132 $2,604 -$528-16.9%37-5.4%
OhioAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,265 $3,036 $77134.0%14-8.4%
OhioMining$2,587 $3,449 $86233.3%86.2%
OhioArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,840 $4,532 $69218.0%1-1.3%
OhioInformation$15,441 $17,338 $1,897 12.3%5-3.1%
OhioEducational services$4,376 $4,671 $2956.7%2613.0%
OhioFinance and insurance$36,928 $39,381 $2,453 6.6%22-7.4%
OhioHealth care and social assistance$41,321 $42,566 $1,245 3.0%487.1%
OhioGovernment$60,341 $60,392 $510.1%404.9%
OhioProfessional, scientific, and technical services$26,484 $25,932 -$552-2.1%320.3%
OhioRetail trade$31,411 $29,856 -$1,555 -5.0%25-5.5%
OhioReal estate and rental and leasing$56,289 $53,372 -$2,917 -5.2%44-4.5%
OhioAll Industries$509,550 $475,747 -$33,803 -6.6%44-4.3%
OhioManagement of companies and enterprises$14,316 $13,299 -$1,017 -7.1%30-4.4%
OhioUtilities$9,988 $9,039 -$949-9.5%355.7%
OhioAdministrative and waste management services$15,732 $14,199 -$1,533 -9.7%36-8.3%
OhioAccommodation and food services$11,382 $10,232 -$1,150 -10.1%26-3.7%
OhioOther services, except government$11,589 $10,269 -$1,320 -11.4%48-3.5%
OhioConstruction$18,493 $15,993 -$2,500 -13.5%23-13.4%
OhioTransportation and warehousing$16,814 $14,392 -$2,422 -14.4%38-9.3%
OhioWholesale trade$34,370 $28,734 -$5,636 -16.4%34-6.3%
OhioManufacturing$96,490 $75,065 -$21,425 -22.2%44-18.1%
OklahomaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,258 $1,389 $13110.4%29-10.6%
OklahomaMining$15,396 $16,828 $1,432 9.3%19-4.7%
OklahomaManagement of companies and enterprises$1,469 $1,573 $1047.1%76.7%
OklahomaEducational services$761$812$516.7%2713.4%
OklahomaHealth care and social assistance$9,656 $10,284 $6286.5%2110.9%
OklahomaAccommodation and food services$4,314 $4,593 $2796.5%17.3%
OklahomaGovernment$24,413 $25,712 $1,299 5.3%69.9%
OklahomaArts, entertainment, and recreation$690$726$365.2%411.9%
OklahomaConstruction$5,614 $5,840 $2264.0%35.3%
OklahomaFinance and insurance$5,578 $5,725 $1472.6%312.9%
OklahomaRetail trade$8,876 $8,914 $380.4%31.8%
OklahomaReal estate and rental and leasing$14,291 $14,264 -$27-0.2%24-10.1%
OklahomaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$5,887 $5,845 -$42-0.7%253.0%
OklahomaAll Industries$145,248 $143,165 -$2,083 -1.4%153.0%
OklahomaOther services, except government$3,454 $3,207 -$247-7.2%313.4%
OklahomaInformation$4,513 $4,156 -$357-7.9%37-1.6%
OklahomaAdministrative and waste management services$4,855 $4,437 -$418-8.6%31-2.9%
OklahomaManufacturing$17,051 $15,430 -$1,621 -9.5%18-8.5%
OklahomaUtilities$3,816 $3,041 -$775-20.3%4910.8%
OklahomaTransportation and warehousing$5,250 $4,034 -$1,216 -23.2%51-4.6%
OklahomaWholesale trade$8,801 $6,290 -$2,511 -28.5%51-2.9%
OregonManufacturing$38,186 $45,833 $7,647 20.0%1-14.6%
OregonEducational services$1,271 $1,364 $937.3%2416.5%
OregonGovernment$21,289 $22,358 $1,069 5.0%813.2%
OregonFinance and insurance$6,659 $6,993 $3345.0%28-7.9%
OregonUtilities$2,095 $2,174 $793.8%74.9%
OregonHealth care and social assistance$12,875 $13,051 $1761.4%5110.8%
OregonAll Industries$178,833 $179,545 $7120.4%12-2.7%
OregonProfessional, scientific, and technical services$7,946 $7,849 -$97-1.2%271.8%
OregonReal estate and rental and leasing$25,056 $24,620 -$436-1.7%33-8.9%
OregonAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$3,192 $3,072 -$120-3.8%400.8%
OregonInformation$6,226 $5,911 -$315-5.1%31-2.8%
OregonManagement of companies and enterprises$3,752 $3,415 -$337-9.0%34-5.2%
OregonRetail trade$9,473 $8,620 -$853-9.0%39-9.1%
OregonAdministrative and waste management services$4,744 $4,260 -$484-10.2%39-9.1%
OregonAccommodation and food services$4,577 $4,057 -$520-11.4%34-4.3%
OregonOther services, except government$4,157 $3,655 -$502-12.1%50-3.5%
OregonWholesale trade$12,106 $10,187 -$1,919 -15.9%33-6.1%
OregonTransportation and warehousing$5,055 $4,248 -$807-16.0%42-8.9%
OregonArts, entertainment, and recreation$1,205 $1,002 -$203-16.8%49-2.3%
OregonConstruction$8,840 $6,548 -$2,292 -25.9%45-24.1%
PennsylvaniaMining$5,278 $6,599 $1,321 25.0%1013.8%
PennsylvaniaInformation$33,674 $38,119 $4,445 13.2%4-1.7%
PennsylvaniaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,417 $2,606 $1897.8%35-7.3%
PennsylvaniaEducational services$11,742 $12,625 $8837.5%2315.6%
PennsylvaniaHealth care and social assistance$52,361 $55,516 $3,155 6.0%3210.2%
PennsylvaniaReal estate and rental and leasing$68,218 $69,440 $1,222 1.8%19-4.3%
PennsylvaniaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$40,965 $41,171 $2060.5%133.8%
PennsylvaniaGovernment$64,727 $64,889 $1620.3%396.6%
PennsylvaniaFinance and insurance$35,521 $35,460 -$61-0.2%37-4.4%
PennsylvaniaAll Industries$587,728 $570,104 -$17,624 -3.0%240.6%
PennsylvaniaRetail trade$33,690 $31,923 -$1,767 -5.2%26-3.4%
PennsylvaniaArts, entertainment, and recreation$5,852 $5,542 -$310-5.3%2711.1%
PennsylvaniaAdministrative and waste management services$14,938 $13,752 -$1,186 -7.9%28-5.7%
PennsylvaniaManagement of companies and enterprises$17,050 $15,672 -$1,378 -8.1%32-0.3%
PennsylvaniaOther services, except government$14,537 $13,242 -$1,295 -8.9%402.6%
PennsylvaniaAccommodation and food services$13,187 $11,992 -$1,195 -9.1%21-2.7%
PennsylvaniaUtilities$11,406 $10,276 -$1,130 -9.9%380.2%
PennsylvaniaTransportation and warehousing$18,142 $16,119 -$2,023 -11.2%19-1.9%
PennsylvaniaManufacturing$82,561 $73,117 -$9,444 -11.4%20-9.5%
PennsylvaniaWholesale trade$37,876 $32,092 -$5,784 -15.3%28-3.6%
PennsylvaniaConstruction$24,333 $19,920 -$4,413 -18.1%33-9.1%
Rhode IslandFinance and insurance$3,279 $4,111 $83225.4%4-2.6%
Rhode IslandAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$98$106$88.2%33-6.5%
Rhode IslandEducational services$1,351 $1,405 $544.0%4112.2%
Rhode IslandInformation$1,825 $1,874 $492.7%111.6%
Rhode IslandMining$39$40$12.6%25-29.4%
Rhode IslandHealth care and social assistance$4,798 $4,877 $791.6%507.0%
Rhode IslandProfessional, scientific, and technical services$2,637 $2,639 $20.1%171.3%
Rhode IslandReal estate and rental and leasing$7,640 $7,548 -$92-1.2%31-9.7%
Rhode IslandAll Industries$48,737 $47,401 -$1,336 -2.7%21-2.3%
Rhode IslandAccommodation and food services$1,484 $1,432 -$52-3.5%5-3.6%
Rhode IslandUtilities$765$730-$35-4.6%1510.9%
Rhode IslandGovernment$7,496 $7,140 -$356-4.7%512.6%
Rhode IslandRetail trade$2,930 $2,747 -$183-6.2%29-9.7%
Rhode IslandAdministrative and waste management services$1,297 $1,210 -$87-6.7%23-3.7%
Rhode IslandTransportation and warehousing$786$733-$53-6.7%6-2.4%
Rhode IslandManagement of companies and enterprises$1,313 $1,189 -$124-9.4%39-7.8%
Rhode IslandArts, entertainment, and recreation$472$427-$45-9.5%37-3.1%
Rhode IslandOther services, except government$1,202 $1,075 -$127-10.6%44-2.8%
Rhode IslandWholesale trade$2,643 $2,331 -$312-11.8%11-4.7%
Rhode IslandConstruction$2,478 $2,141 -$337-13.6%24-15.4%
Rhode IslandManufacturing$4,235 $3,646 -$589-13.9%25-15.2%
South CarolinaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$732$1,135 $40355.1%7-4.5%
South CarolinaFinance and insurance$7,476 $8,272 $79610.6%13-3.5%
South CarolinaEducational services$1,035 $1,121 $868.3%1516.2%
South CarolinaHealth care and social assistance$9,973 $10,532 $5595.6%3410.8%
South CarolinaInformation$4,491 $4,732 $2415.4%92.3%
South CarolinaGovernment$27,454 $27,892 $4381.6%298.8%
South CarolinaMining$289$289$00.0%28-15.1%
South CarolinaReal estate and rental and leasing$19,854 $19,501 -$353-1.8%34-7.6%
South CarolinaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$7,703 $7,438 -$265-3.4%423.8%
South CarolinaUtilities$4,500 $4,276 -$224-5.0%1610.7%
South CarolinaAll Industries$170,349 $159,403 -$10,946 -6.4%43-1.6%
South CarolinaOther services, except government$4,314 $4,006 -$308-7.1%293.0%
South CarolinaManagement of companies and enterprises$1,497 $1,379 -$118-7.9%31-4.9%
South CarolinaRetail trade$12,707 $11,619 -$1,088 -8.6%36-6.2%
South CarolinaAdministrative and waste management services$6,530 $5,850 -$680-10.4%41-5.7%
South CarolinaArts, entertainment, and recreation$998$885-$113-11.3%441.2%
South CarolinaManufacturing$29,355 $24,691 -$4,664 -15.9%29-9.6%
South CarolinaAccommodation and food services$6,372 $5,348 -$1,024 -16.1%43-2.6%
South CarolinaTransportation and warehousing$4,112 $3,397 -$715-17.4%46-10.0%
South CarolinaConstruction$10,426 $8,453 -$1,973 -18.9%36-25.7%
South CarolinaWholesale trade$10,782 $8,582 -$2,200 -20.4%46-7.0%
South DakotaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,406 $2,934 $1,528 108.7%1-10.2%
South DakotaFinance and insurance$4,896 $6,207 $1,311 26.8%30.7%
South DakotaManagement of companies and enterprises$318$375$5717.9%315.9%
South DakotaHealth care and social assistance$2,977 $3,187 $2107.1%1213.5%
South DakotaEducational services$232$248$166.9%2515.3%
South DakotaAll Industries$34,196 $36,474 $2,278 6.7%34.3%
South DakotaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$963$1,016 $535.5%68.9%
South DakotaGovernment$4,616 $4,752 $1362.9%219.7%
South DakotaInformation$957$962$50.5%12-1.7%
South DakotaReal estate and rental and leasing$3,350 $3,325 -$25-0.7%283.7%
South DakotaConstruction$1,565 $1,531 -$34-2.2%70.6%
South DakotaRetail trade$2,673 $2,608 -$65-2.4%141.4%
South DakotaArts, entertainment, and recreation$245$236-$9-3.7%235.2%
South DakotaOther services, except government$823$788-$35-4.3%137.0%
South DakotaUtilities$663$613-$50-7.5%31-5.3%
South DakotaMining$150$138-$12-8.0%320.0%
South DakotaAdministrative and waste management services$621$566-$55-8.9%32-8.3%
South DakotaWholesale trade$2,333 $2,109 -$224-9.6%64.5%
South DakotaTransportation and warehousing$1,021 $871-$150-14.7%41-0.2%
South DakotaManufacturing$3,905 $3,122 -$783-20.1%41-7.3%
South DakotaAccommodation and food services$1,121 $885-$236-21.1%495.0%
TennesseeHealth care and social assistance$21,544 $23,890 $2,346 10.9%19.7%
TennesseeGovernment$30,183 $32,743 $2,560 8.5%26.4%
TennesseeFinance and insurance$11,510 $12,141 $6315.5%27-1.8%
TennesseeEducational services$2,402 $2,487 $853.5%4615.0%
TennesseeAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$1,416 $1,463 $473.3%37-4.2%
TennesseeProfessional, scientific, and technical services$12,826 $12,771 -$55-0.4%224.5%
TennesseeArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,423 $3,345 -$78-2.3%19-1.2%
TennesseeUtilities$1,729 $1,679 -$50-2.9%146.6%
TennesseeReal estate and rental and leasing$27,187 $26,348 -$839-3.1%36-7.3%
TennesseeAdministrative and waste management services$9,993 $9,499 -$494-4.9%18-6.5%
TennesseeAll Industries$259,579 $245,239 -$14,340 -5.5%36-3.0%
TennesseeManagement of companies and enterprises$2,917 $2,716 -$201-6.9%283.3%
TennesseeOther services, except government$7,020 $6,471 -$549-7.8%352.4%
TennesseeInformation$9,149 $8,371 -$778-8.5%39-3.5%
TennesseeRetail trade$19,929 $17,794 -$2,135 -10.7%46-7.2%
TennesseeManufacturing$44,070 $38,563 -$5,507 -12.5%24-14.8%
TennesseeTransportation and warehousing$12,592 $10,891 -$1,701 -13.5%34-10.2%
TennesseeWholesale trade$19,845 $16,420 -$3,425 -17.3%39-8.4%
TennesseeMining$1,223 $996-$227-18.6%37-12.3%
TennesseeConstruction$11,391 $9,197 -$2,194 -19.3%37-18.5%
TennesseeAccommodation and food services$9,476 $7,440 -$2,036 -21.5%50-5.1%
TexasMining$98,236 $115,663 $17,427 17.7%175.0%
TexasFinance and insurance$48,518 $56,040 $7,522 15.5%9-3.3%
TexasEducational services$6,649 $7,387 $73811.1%620.5%
TexasHealth care and social assistance$62,862 $69,145 $6,283 10.0%213.8%
TexasGovernment$133,304 $139,575 $6,271 4.7%1012.5%
TexasArts, entertainment, and recreation$6,108 $6,289 $1813.0%78.2%
TexasManagement of companies and enterprises$10,376 $10,270 -$106-1.0%174.6%
TexasProfessional, scientific, and technical services$76,487 $75,317 -$1,170 -1.5%284.2%
TexasRetail trade$69,214 $68,147 -$1,067 -1.5%10-2.4%
TexasAll Industries$1,178,330 $1,156,088 -$22,242 -1.9%172.4%
TexasReal estate and rental and leasing$107,038 $104,616 -$2,422 -2.3%35-3.0%
TexasInformation$46,989 $45,497 -$1,492 -3.2%23-2.9%
TexasOther services, except government$26,404 $25,450 -$954-3.6%116.2%
TexasAdministrative and waste management services$38,139 $36,496 -$1,643 -4.3%17-2.8%
TexasTransportation and warehousing$43,443 $40,607 -$2,836 -6.5%5-4.2%
TexasAccommodation and food services$34,113 $31,266 -$2,847 -8.3%183.8%
TexasConstruction$66,925 $61,083 -$5,842 -8.7%15-2.2%
TexasWholesale trade$95,834 $83,363 -$12,471 -13.0%16-3.0%
TexasManufacturing$182,882 $152,846 -$30,036 -16.4%34-8.8%
TexasAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$7,209 $5,433 -$1,776 -24.6%477.2%
TexasUtilities$28,421 $21,321 -$7,100 -25.0%510.6%
UtahMining$3,060 $3,695 $63520.8%13-4.7%
UtahManufacturing$13,409 $15,845 $2,436 18.2%2-4.1%
UtahHealth care and social assistance$6,004 $6,499 $4958.2%614.2%
UtahEducational services$1,337 $1,389 $523.9%4214.8%
UtahGovernment$16,703 $16,853 $1500.9%378.5%
UtahProfessional, scientific, and technical services$6,445 $6,423 -$22-0.3%216.2%
UtahOther services, except government$3,294 $3,222 -$72-2.2%49.1%
UtahArts, entertainment, and recreation$803$785-$18-2.2%180.0%
UtahAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$359$349-$10-2.8%396.1%
UtahAll Industries$118,726 $112,917 -$5,809 -4.9%32-0.4%
UtahManagement of companies and enterprises$1,859 $1,766 -$93-5.0%21-1.5%
UtahReal estate and rental and leasing$14,769 $13,803 -$966-6.5%47-8.5%
UtahUtilities$1,535 $1,432 -$103-6.7%264.0%
UtahRetail trade$8,599 $7,705 -$894-10.4%45-6.2%
UtahInformation$5,126 $4,592 -$534-10.4%431.3%
UtahAdministrative and waste management services$3,332 $2,978 -$354-10.6%43-9.1%
UtahAccommodation and food services$3,002 $2,618 -$384-12.8%39-0.1%
UtahTransportation and warehousing$4,146 $3,610 -$536-12.9%30-11.0%
UtahWholesale trade$6,770 $5,830 -$940-13.9%20-3.5%
UtahFinance and insurance$10,127 $7,859 -$2,268 -22.4%50-2.5%
UtahConstruction$8,152 $5,642 -$2,510 -30.8%48-25.3%
VermontManagement of companies and enterprises$19$82$63331.6%1421.4%
VermontHealth care and social assistance$2,500 $2,653 $1536.1%2911.5%
VermontEducational services$591$612$213.6%4510.5%
VermontGovernment$3,770 $3,874 $1042.8%236.8%
VermontReal estate and rental and leasing$3,431 $3,459 $280.8%21-0.8%
VermontProfessional, scientific, and technical services$1,629 $1,610 -$19-1.2%264.0%
VermontAdministrative and waste management services$541$534-$7-1.3%74.7%
VermontFinance and insurance$1,347 $1,326 -$21-1.6%41-6.2%
VermontAll Industries$25,863 $25,219 -$644-2.5%190.9%
VermontRetail trade$2,070 $1,980 -$90-4.3%22-3.3%
VermontArts, entertainment, and recreation$243$232-$11-4.5%243.8%
VermontConstruction$1,146 $1,067 -$79-6.9%14-14.0%
VermontOther services, except government$675$615-$60-8.9%390.5%
VermontAccommodation and food services$1,159 $1,033 -$126-10.9%31-1.4%
VermontWholesale trade$1,337 $1,170 -$167-12.5%13-2.3%
VermontTransportation and warehousing$554$476-$78-14.1%35-4.0%
VermontAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$295$253-$42-14.2%46-4.5%
VermontManufacturing$2,993 $2,512 -$481-16.1%31-9.7%
VirginiaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$988$1,244 $25625.9%18-5.3%
VirginiaFinance and insurance$14,869 $17,666 $2,797 18.8%7-7.4%
VirginiaEducational services$3,514 $4,047 $53315.2%123.3%
VirginiaUtilities$6,058 $6,839 $78112.9%310.2%
VirginiaHealth care and social assistance$22,269 $24,038 $1,769 7.9%814.7%
VirginiaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$48,657 $52,484 $3,827 7.9%212.9%
VirginiaGovernment$75,504 $78,577 $3,073 4.1%159.0%
VirginiaManufacturing$37,644 $38,127 $4831.3%6-7.4%
VirginiaAll Industries$409,975 $406,025 -$3,950 -1.0%143.4%
VirginiaOther services, except government$10,967 $10,626 -$341-3.1%86.9%
VirginiaReal estate and rental and leasing$58,400 $55,514 -$2,886 -4.9%42-2.8%
VirginiaTransportation and warehousing$10,156 $9,644 -$512-5.0%30.3%
VirginiaAdministrative and waste management services$11,995 $11,211 -$784-6.5%221.3%
VirginiaManagement of companies and enterprises$11,074 $10,334 -$740-6.7%26-5.4%
VirginiaRetail trade$22,531 $20,570 -$1,961 -8.7%37-4.4%
VirginiaArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,694 $2,455 -$239-8.9%333.7%
VirginiaAccommodation and food services$10,599 $9,484 -$1,115 -10.5%290.0%
VirginiaMining$2,433 $2,172 -$261-10.7%344.4%
VirginiaInformation$21,143 $18,862 -$2,281 -10.8%44-5.1%
VirginiaWholesale trade$18,943 $16,363 -$2,580 -13.6%19-3.2%
VirginiaConstruction$19,851 $15,744 -$4,107 -20.7%39-15.8%
WashingtonAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$5,049 $5,655 $60612.0%2713.4%
WashingtonFinance and insurance$13,068 $14,397 $1,329 10.2%14-8.4%
WashingtonEducational services$1,827 $1,975 $1488.1%1814.9%
WashingtonHealth care and social assistance$20,520 $21,884 $1,364 6.6%1814.6%
WashingtonGovernment$51,284 $53,643 $2,359 4.6%1111.8%
WashingtonReal estate and rental and leasing$49,909 $49,483 -$426-0.9%30-5.7%
WashingtonProfessional, scientific, and technical services$23,121 $22,510 -$611-2.6%342.6%
WashingtonManufacturing$50,265 $47,747 -$2,518 -5.0%13-5.1%
WashingtonAll Industries$369,307 $348,398 -$20,909 -5.7%381.3%
WashingtonAdministrative and waste management services$10,127 $9,440 -$687-6.8%24-4.7%
WashingtonRetail trade$24,040 $22,372 -$1,668 -6.9%32-4.4%
WashingtonOther services, except government$7,915 $7,340 -$575-7.3%342.3%
WashingtonTransportation and warehousing$10,095 $9,348 -$747-7.4%7-3.9%
WashingtonArts, entertainment, and recreation$3,256 $2,995 -$261-8.0%32-5.8%
WashingtonManagement of companies and enterprises$4,576 $4,154 -$422-9.2%36-8.6%
WashingtonUtilities$3,879 $3,379 -$500-12.9%4319.0%
WashingtonWholesale trade$21,896 $18,558 -$3,338 -15.2%26-2.7%
WashingtonAccommodation and food services$9,951 $8,226 -$1,725 -17.3%47-0.9%
WashingtonInformation$39,080 $30,673 -$8,407 -21.5%493.8%
WashingtonConstruction$18,921 $14,047 -$4,874 -25.8%44-17.7%
West VirginiaAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$128$223$9574.2%4-15.8%
West VirginiaManufacturing$6,372 $6,950 $5789.1%4-10.7%
West VirginiaConstruction$2,827 $3,050 $2237.9%2-2.2%
West VirginiaHealth care and social assistance$5,527 $5,898 $3716.7%1612.3%
West VirginiaMining$7,407 $7,897 $4906.6%2417.8%
West VirginiaEducational services$274$291$176.2%3214.1%
West VirginiaReal estate and rental and leasing$5,606 $5,885 $2795.0%94.6%
West VirginiaGovernment$10,376 $10,878 $5024.8%912.1%
West VirginiaAdministrative and waste management services$1,268 $1,314 $463.6%37.9%
West VirginiaAll Industries$62,376 $63,883 $1,507 2.4%55.3%
West VirginiaManagement of companies and enterprises$522$533$112.1%116.6%
West VirginiaArts, entertainment, and recreation$451$451$00.0%148.3%
West VirginiaFinance and insurance$2,113 $2,091 -$22-1.0%40-1.9%
West VirginiaProfessional, scientific, and technical services$2,644 $2,568 -$76-2.9%387.0%
West VirginiaRetail trade$4,565 $4,433 -$132-2.9%15-0.6%
West VirginiaOther services, except government$1,504 $1,453 -$51-3.4%103.0%
West VirginiaAccommodation and food services$1,907 $1,810 -$97-5.1%83.9%
West VirginiaUtilities$1,842 $1,719 -$123-6.7%259.0%
West VirginiaTransportation and warehousing$2,109 $1,941 -$168-8.0%80.2%
West VirginiaInformation$1,677 $1,536 -$141-8.4%38-0.5%
West VirginiaWholesale trade$3,259 $2,923 -$336-10.3%7-0.3%
WisconsinHealth care and social assistance$21,009 $22,378 $1,369 6.5%2012.7%
WisconsinEducational services$2,294 $2,438 $1446.3%3114.5%
WisconsinGovernment$29,798 $30,805 $1,007 3.4%1810.5%
WisconsinReal estate and rental and leasing$29,216 $29,801 $5852.0%171.2%
WisconsinFinance and insurance$17,358 $17,675 $3171.8%320.3%
WisconsinManagement of companies and enterprises$5,417 $5,392 -$25-0.5%15-1.1%
WisconsinInformation$8,432 $8,238 -$194-2.3%183.0%
WisconsinProfessional, scientific, and technical services$10,765 $10,478 -$287-2.7%351.1%
WisconsinRetail trade$15,137 $14,512 -$625-4.1%20-2.8%
WisconsinAll Industries$254,821 $242,411 -$12,410 -4.9%310.0%
WisconsinOther services, except government$6,098 $5,753 -$345-5.7%203.5%
WisconsinAccommodation and food services$5,598 $5,246 -$352-6.3%14-1.5%
WisconsinUtilities$4,619 $4,315 -$304-6.6%2319.3%
WisconsinArts, entertainment, and recreation$2,004 $1,823 -$181-9.0%343.0%
WisconsinAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$2,874 $2,608 -$266-9.3%42-1.6%
WisconsinAdministrative and waste management services$5,963 $5,356 -$607-10.2%38-6.0%
WisconsinWholesale trade$15,872 $14,097 -$1,775 -11.2%8-2.7%
WisconsinConstruction$10,970 $9,678 -$1,292 -11.8%20-14.6%
WisconsinTransportation and warehousing$7,930 $6,800 -$1,130 -14.2%36-7.9%
WisconsinManufacturing$53,113 $44,515 -$8,598 -16.2%32-10.1%
WyomingAgriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting$167$343$176105.4%26.8%
WyomingAdministrative and waste management services$308$457$14948.4%1-4.7%
WyomingMining$10,559 $12,570 $2,011 19.0%16-4.8%
WyomingEducational services$68$76$811.8%521.8%
WyomingHealth care and social assistance$1,283 $1,385 $1028.0%711.9%
WyomingAll Industries$35,541 $37,307 $1,766 5.0%42.2%
WyomingGovernment$4,892 $5,107 $2154.4%1413.3%
WyomingReal estate and rental and leasing$3,086 $3,206 $1203.9%11-9.9%
WyomingFinance and insurance$800$800$00.0%360.7%
WyomingRetail trade$1,994 $1,990 -$4-0.2%5-2.9%
WyomingArts, entertainment, and recreation$193$190-$3-1.6%161.4%
WyomingProfessional, scientific, and technical services$928$910-$18-1.9%314.6%
WyomingOther services, except government$663$646-$17-2.6%6-1.0%
WyomingConstruction$2,177 $2,030 -$147-6.8%13-8.1%
WyomingWholesale trade$1,382 $1,287 -$95-6.9%33.0%
WyomingTransportation and warehousing$2,331 $2,134 -$197-8.5%10-5.6%
WyomingAccommodation and food services$1,140 $1,017 -$123-10.8%30-1.8%
WyomingManagement of companies and enterprises$137$106-$31-22.6%50-8.5%
WyomingManufacturing$2,455 $1,664 -$791-32.2%48-3.0%

BEA Source of Data Citation

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I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and former CEO & CFO of International retail brands in the USA & UK, where I lived for almost 15 years. I've visited, worked or lived in 37 US States (so far), and even spent 3rd grade at the Sacred Heart School in Leavenworth, Kansas. I currently live in Ireland with my wife of 30 years, as our two kids make their way in life in London and Chicago. I have witnessed two economic crashes in my working life and believe there is an easier way for people to turn top line economic data into knowledge, without becoming an economist. The is my attempt to achieve that objective and I hope you find it worthwhile dropping by.